
How to bag trophy bucks...yeah, right. This blog is a journal of a guy with whitetail fever. If everything goes right this season, I'll spend hours and hours in the bush for a few seconds of action.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Lucky Shot

My shot hit the mark. He was moving when I hit him, and he didn't stop in his tracks. Doing me one last favor, he ran about fifty yards up the hill towards the truck. Some say wait a half an hour before you go after him, some say wait till next morning. I think I waited about ten seconds...It was my first kill. I yelled for my buddy "JOHN, I GOT ONE"! Immediately I started looking for a blood trail, but it wasn't really necessary. There was a trail of freshly exposed earth through running through an otherwise leaf covered ground. And at the end of the trail...a monster of a buck (at least to me). He was massive a fairly mature 8 pointer, probably 3 years old ...later he would weigh in at 185lbs. After taking a couple of pictures and a couple of phone calls, I pulled a rope out of my back pack and John and I got to work hauling him the rest of the way to the truck.

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